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The Benefits of SaaS in the Lean-On Cloud

The Lean-On Cloud brings a unique user experience, performance and stability to all business applications worldwide:

  • Unique performance and fast generation of data and reports in Business Intelligence and ERP systems,
  • Sensitive data is secured centrally, in a unified global setup,
  • Voice and video optimization: e.g. enhanced Teams user experience in Office 365 as well as on-premise,
  • Addition of on-demand optimal resources, leveraging the user experience: Applications that are accelerated by graphics have doubled over the last 5 years, and feature updates gradually take up more resources,
  • Realization of hardware savings, with an improvement of server density,
  • Optimization of workflows via a wide range of recipes and leading practices for various use cases, in SAP, Exchange and more.

Leave Windows OS to the Experts

The level of complexity in every Windows OS feature update can be an issue for all IT departments in terms of integration of third-party programs and increasing resource consumption for every update. However, updates are extremely important for security and performance reasons, and Lean-On’s Cloud and cloud services are all about simplifying that lifecycle management: Managing resource consumption, keeping a unique user experience with no performance degradation, adding the necessary hardware resources on-the-fly with every update and more.


Private, Hybrid and Public Cloud

IaaS for Business Applications