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Transforming the Employee Experience and IT Experience by Organizing, Guiding and Automating Work

The comprehensive functionality of the VDI Workspace securely delivers at every layer of the workspace technology stack. It provides industry-leading solutions for endpoint management, content collaboration, access control, virtual apps and desktops, workspace intelligence and analytics. This gives IT end-to-end visibility and control.

The VDI workspace is the solution for streamlining work – it’s a single, secure intelligent work platform that organizes, guides, and automates the most important information that people need. This speeds decision-making and collaboration in the context of work.

The workspace technologies help organizations turn employee experience into a competitive edge by providing the technology workers need to take control of their workdays and gain the space to think more creatively and be more purposeful. When organizations truly unleash human value, they become more adaptive, more innovative, more successful. The VDI workspace is the solution for better work – a single digital space that unifies all assets and activities people need to do their best work, and help their organizations gain an edge.

Enabling Work to be Everywhere

As work moves beyond office walls, you need an IT security and management framework that enables more flexibility, productivity, and innovation, not less. With the VDI workspace you can securely deliver the apps and data your users need — without sacrificing user experience to all types of devices from workstations to tablets and smart phones.

Whether you have a bring-your-own-device (BYOD), corporate-owned-device (COD), a dedicated desktop, or a shared device, your remote access solution should simplify the user experience. Features like single sign-on (SSO) give users access to all of their apps and data with one secure log in — while minimizing the burden on IT to resolve password problems or reset expired access privileges.


Optimized WAN

Mobility & Collaboration

Advanced Security