Optimizing Administration, Workflows and User Experience
Every business unit wants to stay as agile as possible, meeting the ever-changing demands in the market. Enabling agility comes from optimizing administration, workflows, and user flexibility in the daily tasks.
The users need the best applications enabling them to do their tasks the most effective way. Therefore, IT has moved into the business units in the recent years. Systems are now specified and deployed by departments other than the IT department, with the risk of shadow IT rising to an unprecedented level.
With an agile VDI infrastructure there is no need to take matters into the business unit’s own hands. In a simple and easy way, the IT department can easily at the business unit’s request, deploy the most optimal Windows and SaaS apps to the users’ virtual desktop, without compromising security – from Office and ERP applications – to resource intensive industry applications.
A Centralized IT Infrastructure Creates Effective Workflows in the Business Unit.
With a VDI infrastructure, the backend can be scaled and customized to the specific user task. IT can consider where users log in from, what type of client device they are using, how much compute power they require to get their job done etc. A holistic and context-aware approach that makes the user experience and user productivity unique, creating value for the business unit, hence the entire organization.