The Unique Customer and User Experience is at the Core of What We Do
Lean-On has high-performance VDI cloud users across large parts of the globe. As a trusted partner and provider of a strategic cloud service, the user experience and simplification in the collaboration with our customers is the key factor. It is our number one benchmark and the entire foundation of Lean-On.
There are many key factors that affect how securely and productively the user works on the virtual desktop.
With a unique performance and constant predictability on all parameters, it is an obvious next step in the collaboration to expand with a Center of Operations & Customer Excellence, as well as a dedicated role as Head of Customer Success.
Former Head of Operations, Jan Sejer Sørensen, is as of June 1st active in the role, and will ensure that the collaboration around the virtual workspace is simplified and projects are successfully completed across vendors, technologies, services and organization.
This ensures an optimized dialogue with the many application managers and departments who use our VDI cloud services.
Jan’s role will ensure that we further leverage the close collaboration with our customers, and meet new digitalization needs and business priorities the best way possible. We thereby strengthen the ability to troubleshoot across companies and tasks, enabling the maintenance of a stable and secure delivery. You can read more about the Lean-On Center of Operations & Customer Excellence here
Please give a warm welcome to Jan in his new role as Head of Customer Success!